Conference Presentations
Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners: Best practices in piloting and implementing innovative solutions at the district level
Blended and Personalized Learning Conference (Providence, Rhode Island: April 2018)
Growing Super Connected Communities through Digital Classrooms
International Society for Technology in Education Conference (July 2015)
Finding Our Voices: Exposing the Counter-Narrative of Learning
- The Baltimore Google Apps for Education Summit (April 2015)
- Challenging Conventions: 70th ASCD Annual Conference (March 2015)
The Creative Experience: Using Art to Connect to the Community
- Common Ground- Maryland Society of Technology in Education Conference (April 2015)
- Florida Educational Technology Conference (January 2015)
- 18th Annual Powering Up With Technology Conference (November 2014)
Expanding Practice and Connecting Purposefully Through Twitter
- Leyden High School DIstrict 216 - 1:1 Symposium (July 2014)
- Common Ground- Maryland Society of Technology in Education Conference (April 2014 )
Storytelling: A Human Condition
- Florida Educational Technology Conference (January 2014)